
Proxy Server API


The Webshare API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. It has been designed to provide predictable resource-oriented URLs, accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses, and use standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

One of the key features of the Webshare API is its support for backwards compatibility, which ensures that any changes made to the API are always backwards compatible. This means that clients using previous versions of the API will not be affected by the updates.

In addition to its features, the Webshare API also provides language examples. You can find these code examples on the every feature's page. To switch between the two programming languages, use the tabs located in the top right corner.

By leveraging the Webshare API, developers can easily integrate Webshare's functionality into their applications, allowing them to enhance their users' experience and increase the efficiency of their workflow.


Authenticated Request Example.

Webshare API uses token to allow access to the API. You will receive token after a successful login request. Alternatively, you can register a new Webshare API key at our API keys (opens in a new tab) page.

Webshare API expects for the token to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following: Authorization: Token <TOKEN>
import requests
  headers={ "Authorization": "Token " }

You can create your API Keys on your Dashboard (opens in a new tab) page.


The Webshare API uses pagination on some of its resource endpoints. The following GET query parameters are used to determine the current page and the page_size.

Some APIs which has streaming activity may opt to use starting_after instead of the page field. In either case, the page_size field is available.

Request parameters

You can add the request parameters as part of your URL.


Number of elements returned in a page. Default page size is 25 (Optional field).


The current page to retrieve. Default page is 1 (Optional field).


The ID of the last element of the current page. Default is null which means the most recent items. (Optional field).

Response format

Response is in JSON object format with the following fields.


Total number of elements which are paginated.


Full URL to the next page API resource. If there is no next page, set to null.


Full URL to the previous page API resource. If there is no previous page, set to null. If a page is using starting_after for pagination, previous field will not be available.


List of elements which are paginated. If page_size is 25, you can expect up to 25 elements in the results.

import requests
response = requests.get(
  "count": 35,
  "next": null,
  "previous": "",
  "results": [
    { ... },
    { ... },
    { ... },

Rate Limits

The server will respond with an HTTP status code of 429 when the rate limit has been exceeded. To prevent this error, it may be necessary to decrease the frequency of requests. It is require to wait for 60 seconds before making a new request.

The Webshare API uses rate limits for various endpoints.

API NameRate
General API

180 requests every minute.

Proxy List Download Links

20 requests every minute.

Filtering & Ordering

The Webshare API uses filtering, search and ordering on list resource endpoints. The following GET query parameters are used to determine the ordering and filtering.


You can order a list resource endpoint by some fields available in the instance object. For example, integer and date fields can be commonly used for ordering.

You can combine multiple ordering fields and change ASC/DESC order.

Request parameters

You can add the request parameters as part of your URL.


Comma separated name of the fields. Default ordering is ascending. Minus indicates descending order

import requests
response = requests.get(


You can filter list resource endpoints by exact, greater than, less than and contains methods.

Exact match

Match the field to the given value. Can be used for any field type.


Multi match

Match the field to the given value. Can be used for any field type. Multiple values can be comma separated.


Greater than

Retrieve the fields with greater than given value. Can be used for datetime and number fields.


Less than

Retrieve the fields with less than given value. Can be used for datetime and number fields.


Contains match

Check if the given value is in the field. Can be used for string fields only.


import requests
response = requests.get(


You can perform text search on resource endpoints. Generally, only the text fields will be included as part of the search.
import requests
response = requests.get(

The text search parameter.


The Webshare API uses the following error codes:

400Bad Request

Your request is invalid. Check the response body to see why.


Your authentication token is wrong. Re-login with your user credentials.


You are forbidden to access the API. Upgrade your plan to gain access.

404Not Found

The specified resource could not be found. Maybe its deleted?

405Method Not Allowed

You tried to access a Webshare API with an invalid method.

406Not Acceptable

You requested a format that isn't json.

429Rate limited

you have reached to the maximum number of requests you are allowed to send. Try again later.

5xxServer Error

We had a problem with our server. We have been notified and working on fixing the issue. Try again later.

Federated Access

Federated access is only available to Webshare administrators.

Add the X-Webshare-Federated-Access header to your API calls to retrieve data as a particular user.

import requests
response = requests.get("", headers={
    "Authorization": "Token ",
    "X-Webshare-Federated-Access": "<User ID>"